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Freewyld - an inspiring project where each stay unfolds a unique narrative. Conceived with the goal of breaking free from the ordinary, the initiative focuses on rekindling connections to what truly matters.

ux/ui design
web design
web development

Freewyld - an inspiring project where each stay unfolds a unique narrative. Conceived with the goal of breaking free from the ordinary, the initiative focuses on rekindling connections to what truly matters.

freewyld laptop mockup


Create a minimalist design for a website that not only embodies simplicity and elegance but also effectively captures the essence of wanderlust. The design should not only inspire users to travel but also provide a seamless and immersive experience that encourages them to plan and embark on new adventures.

what we done

With our visual style, we strive to evoke a feeling of wanderlust and discovery that encourages people to get out and explore the world around them. We use textures like wood and stone to channel a sense of rustic luxury.
what we done

Booking flow & user profile

We have created a simple user flow for booking, consisting of 6 simple steps: Search for cabins, View details, Booking, Entering personal data, Check and payment, Confirmation. And also we created convenient user profile. It allows users to conveniently manage their bookings and personal information.
Booking flow & user profile
Booking flow & user profile

mobile design

We have created a high-quality and user-friendly mobile design of our site, so that users can easily book houses wherever and whenever it is convenient for them.
mobile design